⚛️ React KL February Meetup 🎉

Tue, 11 Feb 2020 7:00 PM



  • 7.00pm

    Food Consuming + Human Social Activity + React Clinic

  • 7.30pm

    Code Generation with Swagger

    Learn how to generate api calls code from Swagger for your React application.

  • 8.00pm


    Usage, benefits and why need to use PropTypes

  • 8.30pm

    Exploring React Additional Hooks

    Learn when to use React additional hooks and how it can enhance your application performance and usability.

  • 9.00pm

    News and Updates of React Ecosystem

  • 9.15pm

    Company hiring or developer looking for opportunity

  • 9.30pm

    Go home

This Month on React

  • Yarn v2 Rollout Causes Intense Debates

    Yarn 2's rollout plan causes intense debates because its maintainers intends to mark Yarn v1 as "legacy" while v2 could not support many existing projects and libraries yet. The "legacy" tag concerns some developers because it may cause confusions, especially new developers. Some even suggest yarn v2 should not name themselves as yarn2 as it's entire new code from scratch and there is no clear migration path at the moment. At the end, the maintainers decide to mark yarn v1 as "classic" and the website is now https://classic.yarnpkg.com for yarn1 while https://yarnpkg.com/ is used for yarn v2.

  • Learn JavaScript Mental Model from Dan Abromov

    Dan Abromov (one of the core maintainers of React) had recently started a course, Just Javascript that teaches you the mental model for JavaScript. Highly recommended. You can signup at its website.

  • Cross Browsers E2E Testing Getting Easier

    Microsoft had released a library, playwright that allows you to test in Webkit, Chromium, and Firefox. At the same time puppeteer and Cypress had just released a new version that supports testing on Firefox, in addition of Chrome.

  • React Router v6 Beta Release

    react-router releases v6 beta. Key features are relative link, nested routes, and suspense-ready navigate API.
